Pieternel Luning
Wageningen University
The Netherlands
Title: Factors explaining differences in FSMS performance in supply chains of fresh produce: A global study
Biography: Pieternel Luning
An international study investigated the performance of Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) implemented in the food companies in different stages of the supply chain (primary production, processing and trade) and in different world locations. More than 300 food companies participated in the study, located both in developed and developing countries. Data was collected by using a diagnostic instrument to assess the performance of food safety management systems (low, basic, average, advanced), their output (poor, moderate, good), and the riskiness of the context factors (low, moderate, high). The majority of the companies were producing high-risk products in terms of their vulnerability to microbiological and chemical contamination. Statistical data analysis revealed that companies do not group per chain stage, type of product (risk) or country of operation. Instead other factors explain the grouping. Companies with most advanced FSMS operate in low risk of organisational characteristics, and they put more efforts into assurance activities such as validation and verification. Another factor that contributes to better performing FSMS was attributed to chain characteristics, especially in the case of export-oriented companies located in developing countries.
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