Jose S. Torrecilla
Associate Professor
Complutense University Madrid
José S. Torrecilla received his B.Sc. and Ph.D (with honours) in Chemical Engineering from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (1996 and 2000, respectively). He received his B.Sc. in Prevention of Labour Risks (occupational health, ergonomics, safety engineering, and occupational Health & Safety), Integrated Management, and MBA degree with honours. He performed research to reduce the uncertainty in the measurements of reference gases (Reference Gases Laboratory, Spanish Metrology Centre, Spanish Science and Technology Ministry). In addition, he has collaborated with the Spanish Science and Technology Ministry to develop various R&D projects related with the modelling of food treatment and production. For five years, as a Senior Researcher (Ramón y Cajal researcher), he developed two R&D lines funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Among others, he led a public R&D project related to one of the aforementioned lines for three years (2006-2009). He also led the Spanish group in a consortium to carry out a European project related with the early diagnosis of lung cancer (LCAOS). He is the co-author in a high number of publications in prestigious scientific Journals, with high impact indexes. In addition, he has been invited as a speaker and chairman at multiple international scientific conferences.
Research Interest
His research fields are mainly focused on developing mathematical models in order to design chemometric tools in the chemical engineering, food technology, and health fields.