George Boskou
Assistant Professor
Harokopio University of Athens
George Boskou is Assistant Professor of Food Service Management in the Department of Nutrition-Dietetitics at Harokopio University. He graduated in 1991 from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He continued with postgraduate studies at Ghent University in Belgium, in the discipline Food Science and Nutrition, and in 1998 completed his Ph.D. in Applied Biological Sciences at the same university. He started his professional career in food industry and in 2002 he was elected university Lecturer at Harokopio University of Athens. Currently he is Assistant Professor with a permanet tenure. He is one of the few greek scholars engaged in the scientific research related to foodservice. He has more than 50 scientific publications in scientific journals, more than 100 announcements in scientific conferences and has authored more than 20 books or chapters in Food Science and Nutrition. He holds as well the coppy rights of 12 technological patents, gastronomical protocolls and certification standards. His published scientifc work is cited more than 1000 times worldwide. He is an accredited inspector for the ISO 22000 system from IRCA and accredited food safety educator by the national food control authority (EFET). He is a member of the Scientific Devision of Foods of the Association of Greek Chemists and founding member of the Interdisciplinary Society for Food Hygiene Assurenace (DEDYT). He is society member of the European Federation of Food Science & Technology (EFFoST) and Associated Member of the Chef Club of Northern Greece "Olympian Zeus".
Research Interest
gastronomy, food service management, food safety and quality.