Ãrpád Ambrus
Chief Scientific Advisor and Chair for CCMAS
National Food Chain Safety Office
AMBRUS Ãrpád is chemical engineer (MSc), Candidate of Chemical Sciences and habilitated university professor. He is an IUPAC Fellow, member of the Food Safety Subcommittee of the Hungarian Academy of Science (2008-), JMPR FAO Panel (1973-2016). He received the Silver Cross of Merit award, the IUPAC International Award for Advances in Harmonized Approaches to Crop Protection Chemistry. He chairs the CCMAS, teaches at the Universities of Debrecen and Szeged, and supervises 5 PhD aspirants, published over 80 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He managed the Hungarian Pesticide Analytical Laboratories, and the pesticide programme of the FAO/IAEA Training and Reference Centre, was the deputy director general of Hungarian Food Safety Office, and retired as chief scientific advisor of the National Food Chain Safety Office in 2014.
Research Interest
Ambrus has managed the Hungarian Pesticide Analytical Laboratories, and the pesticide programme of the FAO/IAEA Training and Reference Centre