Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference on Food Safety and Regulatory Measures, will be organized around the theme “Revolutionizing the Food Safety for a Safe and Secure Future”
Food Safety-2015 is comprised of 12 tracks and 90 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Food Safety-2015.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Food storage and distribution
- Track 1-2Production and processing of food with wastewater (polluted Water)
- Track 1-3Water quality deterioration with inputs of fertilizers and pesticides
- Track 1-4Health and nutritional effects due to consumption of contaminated water.
- Track 1-5Food borne diseases and impact of antimicrobial resistance in food chains
- Track 1-6Risk and hazard analysis
- Track 1-7Effect of parasites on food utilization by the individual metabolism
- Track 1-8Food recalls and food waste
- Track 2-1The regulatory affairs of food and food Industries
- Track 2-2Understanding the food regulatory life cycle
- Track 2-3Economic and social aspects of food
- Track 2-4Food law in developed countries
- Track 2-5Managing projects in food regulatory affairs: practical considerations
- Track 2-6Comparing regulatory systems and agencies
- Track 2-7Regulatory differences and similarities: an international investigation
- Track 2-8Regulation of organic food price
- Track 2-9Regulation of commodity markets for developing countries
- Track 2-10Regulatory requirements for food pest control
- Track 3-1Food safety and modernization
- Track 3-2Food safety and surveillance: Concepts and applications
- Track 3-3Understanding food agronomic science
- Track 3-4Food across international borders: The international food trade
- Track 3-5The industrialization and commercialization of food
- Track 3-6Political, social, and economic influences on food law, regulation, and policy
- Track 3-7Food and free trade
- Track 3-8Food safety and commercialization in emerging economies
- Track 3-9Global economics of food and agriculture
- Track 4-1Food contamination
- Track 4-2Detection of pathogens and allergen and other additives
- Track 4-3Chromatography in food analysis
- Track 4-4Emerging innovation in food analysis
- Track 4-5Emerging technologies on quality improvement ISO 22000 – from intent to implementation
- Track 4-6ISO 22005 the potential to systemize traceability of food and feed
- Track 4-7Demand of safe food but lack of FMS in developing countries
- Track 4-8The implementation of a quality management standard in a food SME
- Track 4-9Factors influencing HACCP implementation in the food industry
- Track 4-10Food quality and safety management systems: A brief analysis of the individual and integrated approaches
- Track 5-1Halal and kosher products quality religious-ethnical requirements and certification
- Track 5-2Food labeling and dietary behavior: Bridging the gap
- Track 5-3Product labeling in the market for conventional food
- Track 5-4Product labeling in the market for organic food
- Track 5-5Product labeling in the market for GM food
- Track 6-1The scientific, social, and commercial aspects of conventional foods
- Track 6-2The scientific, social, and commercial aspects of genetically modified foods
- Track 6-3The scientific, social, and commercial aspects of organic foods
- Track 6-4Effects of GMOs on the environment and nature
- Track 6-5Contamination of the non-genetically modified food supply
- Track 7-1Investing in food safety and environmental protection
- Track 7-2Balancing risks and benefits in food safety and environmental resource co-management
- Track 7-3Environmental features & potential for incompatibility with food safety
- Track 7-4Operation characteristics & potential for incompatibility with FMS
- Track 7-5Alternative options for different food safety programs
- Track 7-6Practices to address food safety concerns on-the-ground consequence of co-management challenges
- Track 7-7Economic impacts and financial considerations of co-management
- Track 8-1Food and society
- Track 8-2Food fraud impact on consumer health
- Track 8-3Hidden allergens in foods and implications for labeling and clinical care of food allergic patients
- Track 8-4Consumer preferences for local production and other value-added label claims for a processed food product
- Track 8-5Radiation contamination of foods and associated health risks
- Track 8-6Software for utilization of food composition databases
- Track 8-7Bioterrorism
- Track 8-8Natural toxins
- Track 8-9Hepatatis E threat
- Track 8-10Impact of mass media communication and social media
- Track 9-1Stress on agricultural and food production
- Track 9-2Effects of climate change on food safety
- Track 9-3Increasing demand for processed agricultural products from emerging countries
- Track 9-4Difficult perception of globalization from sanitary point of view
- Track 9-5Food and water security for fast growing populations in developing countries
- Track 9-6Pressure of safe food on the local markets due to international markets
- Track 9-7Natural disasters influencing food safety
- Track 9-8Challenges to meat safety in the 21st century
- Track 10-1Assessing rodent risk
- Track 10-2Electronic grain probes for grain bins
- Track 10-3Global Food Safety Initiative audits
- Track 10-4Benefits of IPM
- Track 10-5Problems caused by urban pest birds
- Track 10-6Bird control strategies
- Track 11-1Microbial modeling and technologies for foodborne pathogens
- Track 11-2Toxicological evaluation of proteins introduced into foodcrops
- Track 11-3The integration of new technologies like transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics
- Track 11-4Seed development
- Track 11-5Food bioactivity and its effect on human health
- Track 11-6Potential of biomarkers to detect unsafe products
- Track 11-7Important tools for the analyses of food origin, traceability, and quality
- Track 11-8Modernising the food risk analysis model
- Track 11-9Metagenomics and entire genome sequencing
- Track 12-1Predictive microbiology
- Track 12-2Novel food and food ingredient case studies
- Track 12-3Introduction of nanotechnology into the food industry, risks and benefits